Speed Networking…for Writers?

Writing can often be a solitary profession, for most writers this can be an enjoyable part of the process; to get to spend hours a day in your own head, allowing your weird thoughts to take shape. But still, once you have published a book you now have to find readers and meet publishers to... Continue Reading →

Use of Visual Aids in Writing to Show Progress

"There is nothing to writing, all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." - Hernest Hemingway. One of the hardest parts of writing is not being able to see any form of progress. You can write and edit and re-edit for years and never feel like you are making any real headway.... Continue Reading →

Hotel Writing

When I have the chance I love to write in hotels. Whenever I get to travel, wherever I am, one of the first things I do is find a little nook in the hotel room where I can write. Wherever I travel I find inspiration for my stories and hotel rooms are the perfect place... Continue Reading →

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